In Türkiye, plastic surgery is an important part of the medical sector and is famous for its quality and variety. Here is a list of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries in Türkiye:
- Liposuction operations.
- Body sculpting operations.
- Gastric sleeve operations.
- Facial filler operations.
- Face-lift operations.
- Rhinoplasty.
- Golden needle operations for facial rejuvenation.
- Cosmetic dentistry.
- Dental implant operations.
- Hair transplant operations.
- Beard and mustache hair transplantation operations.
These operations attract many visitors from different parts of the world to Turkey, where experts with experience and advanced technologies are available to achieve the desired results safely and with high quality.
Liposuction is the path to the perfect body
Liposuction is a common surgical procedure that aims to remove locally accumulated fat from the patient’s body and shape the body contour in a more harmonious and beautiful way. Liposuction is a safe and effective way to get rid of stubborn fat that may appear resistant to exercise and diet.
During the procedure, special tools are used to suction fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, and arms. The success of the operation depends on the surgeon’s experience and the use of modern techniques to ensure satisfactory results and a harmonious body appearance.
It is important that the patient follows post-operative care instructions carefully to ensure rapid recovery and optimal results. Liposuction is a suitable option for people who suffer from a specific accumulation of fat in their body and want to significantly improve their physical appearance.
Body sculpting achieve beauty and confidence in Türkiye
In Turkey, body sculpting is one of the most popular surgical procedures in the field of cosmetic medicine, as many seek to have a perfect body that reflects beauty and confidence. The accumulation of fat in unwanted areas affects the feeling of comfort and self-confidence. Therefore, body sculpting in Turkey is considered the ideal solution to get rid of excess fat and improve the body’s appearance.
Body sculpting operations are characterized by the variety of techniques and methods used, including liposuction and advanced sculpting techniques. Thanks to developments in technology and aesthetic medicine, it has become possible to obtain effective and rapid results in achieving the ideal body that everyone desires.
Whether you are looking to improve your body’s appearance or restore self-confidence, body sculpting operations in Turkey provide you with the opportunity to achieve this safely and effectively, as specialized experts provide high-quality services that ensure patient satisfaction and achieve the desired results in a noticeable and impressive manner.
Gastric sleeve surgery: a surgical solution for morbid obesity
Gastric sleeve surgery is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce the size of the stomach by shrinking or stapling it. During this operation, part of the stomach is removed, which turns it into a small stomach approximately the size of a banana. This process reduces the stomach’s ability to absorb food, resulting in effective and rapid weight loss.
Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective surgical solution to treat severe obesity, which may lead to many health and psychological problems. In addition to weight loss, this procedure can contribute to improving overall health and reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases.
By improving quality of life and maintaining health, gastric sleeve surgery is an important option for people who suffer from obesity and seek to comprehensively improve their lives and health.
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Gastric plication operations: an innovative solution to treat severe obesity
Gastric plication is a surgical procedure that involves bending part of the stomach fold inward and suturing it with non-absorbable sutures. This procedure aims to reduce the stomach space available for eating, making the patient feel full easily and contributing to weight loss.
Gastric plication is one of the restrictive operations that reduces the stomach space available for eating, without reducing the absorption of nutrients. This procedure can sometimes be combined with a duodenal bypass to enhance weight loss effectiveness.
The gastric plication procedure was invented about 12 years ago by an Iranian doctor, and has become an approved global technique that contributes to treating severe obesity and losing excess weight for appropriate patients, provided that it is adopted within the system of lifestyle procedures appropriate for each patient.
Facial filler aesthetic injections for perfect radiance
Facial filler has become a common term in the world of plastic surgery, as it is used to give the face a youthful and vibrant appearance. Facial filler consists of safe materials that are injected under the skin to enhance volume and texture and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
Through the use of substances such as hyaluronic acid, specific areas of the face are filled to give a plump and youthful appearance. Facial filler is a non-surgical procedure that can be performed quickly in a doctor’s office, and its effects can last for several months before needing to be re-injected.
Among the advantages offered by facial fillers include expanding its uses to correct wrinkles and modify the shape of the face non-surgically. However, some types of fillers may contain substances that may cause side effects such as swelling or irritation, so you must consult a specialist doctor before performing the procedure.
With a full understanding of what facial filler is and how to use it safely, individuals can make an informed decision about using it to improve their appearance and increase their self-confidence.
Facelift procedures achieve youth and radiance with precision and precision
Facelift operations are considered one of the main procedures in the field of cosmetics to restore youth and vitality to the face. Facelift surgery methods vary and include several techniques such as short incision, mini facelift, and full facelift, where each technique is customized to deal with a specific facial problem.
The surgery is carefully planned to suit each patient’s needs, with simultaneous surgeries that complement the facelift such as a forehead lift and eyelid lift, jaw augmentation, or even correction of nasal defects.
The facelift procedure involves lifting and tightening sagging muscles and tissues and correcting sagging in various ways, while removing excess skin and suturing it in a way that ensures rapid healing and satisfactory aesthetic results.
Surgery may also include additional procedures such as suctioning out excess fat or correcting brown facial defects.
Using modern techniques and precise procedures, facelifts are a popular option for achieving a youthful radiant appearance without the need for major surgery or a long recovery period.
Rhinoplasty: achieving the ideal shape and improving its function
Rhinoplasty is considered one of the most common and successful cosmetic surgeries, as many people seek to have a symmetrical nose that is in harmony with their facial features. In some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary to correct congenital deformities of the nose.
The nose is composed of several elements, including cartilage and the nasal septum, and consists of a respiratory tract that requires maintaining a certain balance to ensure its normal function. Therefore, reducing the nose or changing its shape must be a careful process to maintain this balance.
Besides improving the external appearance of the nose, rhinoplasty can also be performed to correct breathing problems due to deformities in the internal structure of the nose, such as a deviated nasal septum. Thus, these procedures target beauty and function, allowing patients to benefit from aesthetic results and improved breathing quality
Dental beautification is the way to a bright and attractive smile
A charming smile and a beautiful laugh are among the beauty secrets that everyone strives to achieve, and teeth play a crucial role in the attractiveness and attractiveness of a smile. Therefore, men and women pay great attention to the health and beauty of their teeth, and strive to overcome any deformities or defects in the teeth that may include cavities, fractures, and unwanted discolorations.
In recent years, dental cosmetic methods have witnessed great development, making it easier to effectively correct dental problems and improve their appearance.
Dental aesthetics are an important factor in building self-confidence and positively affecting the overall impression, so correcting any dental problem can have a significant impact on feelings of self-confidence. In this article, we will take a look at the types of cosmetic dentistry and when you should consider resorting to them to achieve the perfect smile.
Hair transplantation: the permanent solution to baldness and hair loss
Hair transplantation is the most common method globally to treat baldness or hair loss for various reasons, and today it is considered the most reliable and permanent natural treatment.
The hair transplantation process is very simple, does not involve risks or side effects, and is performed in the clinic in a short period of time.
The procedure generally aims to transfer natural hair follicles from the back and sides of the scalp (medically known as the donor area) and transplant them to the front or vertex areas (known as the transplantation area).
After the procedure, and 24 hours later, the transplanted follicles become an integral part of the body, receive blood supply, and the surrounding skin heals. The hair then grows within three months, becoming similar to the rest of the natural hair, so that it is difficult to distinguish between the transplanted hair and the original hair.
New hair can be treated in the same way as usual, so it can be cut, washed and styled as desired.
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